Getting Promoted - Long Term Goal
You can best succeed in any organization by continuing having the right attitude
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Getting Promoted - Long Term Goal - A number of years ago, I heard of a manager at a large global company who fell under this stereotype. The day following his promotion, he stood in front of his extended team of 45 employees and said, "My current role is just a pit stop on my way to corporate. So, you people do your job, stay off my radar screen, and we'll get along just fine." Over the next 18 months, he acted exactly that way. Results mattered -- relationships did not. While these leaders do receive promotions, a recent study that my colleagues and I conducted shows that jerks are promoted in spite of, rather than because of, their poor interpersonal skills. According to the online poll, which analyzed 1,650 promotions, 92% said having poor interpersonal skills hinders advancement in their organization.
Why do so many people believe that it's the self-promoters who do best in the workplace?The key to success in business is to produce results while maintaining relationships. Self-promoters produce results, a main benchmark for promotion, at the cost of relationships. When a manager is faced with the decision to advance a self-promoter or an employee who values relationships over results, the manager will most likely choose the employee who produces strong results.
However, our research reveals that the combination of strong interpersonal skills and strong results are by far the best predictor of whether an employee will be respected as a leader after a promotion. Leaders who lack interpersonal skills are not respected by their employees, and a disrespected leader wields little true influence in the workplace. Thus, employees who place high value on both results and relationships are most likely to excel and exert influence in their company.
If after your assessment you discover you need to change, follow these four steps for navigating crucial conversations -- high-stakes, politically risky or emotionally volatile situations -- in a way that generates results and improves relationships.
- Change your emotions. In stressful moments, separate people from the problem. Try to see others as reasonable, rational and decent human beings -- even if your opinions clash. Jerks don't bother with this principle -- they make harsh judgments of others and act out those judgments through mistreatment.
- Help others feel safe. Effective leaders find a way to be both 100% honest and 100% respectful. They do both by starting high-stakes conversations by assuring the other person of their positive intentions and their respect. When others feel respected and trust your motives, they let their guard down and begin to listen -- even if the topic is unpleasant.
- Present just the facts. Respected leaders describe problems in factual terms -- stripping out the negative labels and punitive conclusions. Without the facts, judgmental statements are far from motivating and create animosity and resistance.
- Invite dialogue. Effective leaders create dialogue, whilethose who are not settle for monologue. After confidently sharing your views, invite others to do so as well. If you are open to hearing others' points of view, they'll be more open to yours.
Internet and IT HandiGuide - provides you the tools you need
The job descriptions contained within the Internet and Information Technology Position Descriptions HandiGuideĀ® are all in a standard format and are available as in PDF and WORD .docx formats. All of the job descriptions were reviewed and updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and the ISO 27000 security standard. The latest version of the HandiGuide was completed in 2010 and is over 650 pages in length. The Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide includes sample organization charts, a job progression matrix, and the 331 job descriptions. The book also addresses Fair Labor Standards, Sexual Harassment, the ADA, and is in a new easier to read format.
Each job description meets ADA standards and the position description is delivered in electronic format - WORD (2003 and 2007) which is edit able and PDF which is printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional requirements. Those tools include:
- Job Evaluation Questionnaire
- Position Description Questionnaire
- Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
- Best Practices - Resume Screening
- Best Practices - Phone Screening
- Hiring Guide
The 331 positions include all of the technical, administrative, support functions within the IT group. Mouse over each group below to see a full list of the jobs included within each group.
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A SPECIAL BONUS for those of you who purchase both the HandiGuide and the WORD files - if you provide us with up to five (5) completed Position Description Questionnaires within 30 days of purchase, we will create 5 position descriptions for you and provide you with 24 months of free update service for the HandiGuide and all job descriptions that we update and create.
- Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) - Small Enterprise
- Chief Security Officer (CSO)
- Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
- Vice President Administration
- Vice President Consulting Services
- Vice President Human Resources
- Vice President Information Services
- Vice President Strategy and Architecture
- Vice President Technical Services
You can purchase this book as a PDF Book, Word Book or as individual word files for each Job Description which makes for easier modification. We have also combined the both book formats with the individual word files for each job descriptions to give you the best of both worlds.
and IT
Position Descriptions HandiGuideĀ®
331 job Descriptions Descriptions and Organization Charts
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Yes | No | No | The complete Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide which includes the Job descriptions in PDF formats which utilizes the Adobe search and bookmark features. | Less than $3.44 each | Order Now | |
Word Files |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Individual files for each job description. Long file names are used so each job description can be modified as a simple document (WORD.docx) - Bonus of ePub version of all of the job descriptions | Less than $3.83each |
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Word Book |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Word Search Fully Bookmarked. All job descriptions are contained in single word book - NOTE this is a complex document and the user needs to know WORD very well to extract and modify the individual job descriptions (WORD.docx) | Less than $4.59 each | Order Now |
PDF and Word Files |
Yes | Yes | Yes | The complete Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide plus individual files for each job description. Long file names are used so each job description can be modified as a simple document (WORD.docx) | Less than $5.75 each | Order Now |